HGV Training School Case Study


HGV Training School - Deeside North Wales

Andy Swan HGV Training

Andy Swan HGV Training is a premier training company in Deeside, North Wales that offers training to people wanting to become a truck driver plus a whole host of other transport industry related training courses. 

They asked me to look at their previous website as it was “boring” (Andy’s words), gained them zero enquiries and didn’t showcase any of their services.

image of Andy swan hgv training

Website and SEO Audit

When I take on a new client, I conduct a complete website and SEO audit to see what’s happening.

Unfortunately, the initial findings were less than stellar.

The brand name was the only keyword that appeared on Google and other prominent search engines.

In stark contrast, local top competitors enjoyed an astonishing 400+ HGV training-related keywords.

The primary purpose of a website.

In simple terms, a business website is there to make its owner money, whether from online sales for a web commerce site or to generate a ton of enquiries for non-commerce websites.

As a freelance SEO and website design freelancer specialising in local business, I have lost count of the hundreds of websites I have seen that probably cost £ 1000’s to build and create that do not even show up on a SERPS (search engine result page) for the primary keywords.

When I owned my own home service business, I found out the expensive way that having a brilliant website does not guarantee the phone will ring.

I will never design a website that does not have SEO as a core foundation.

Initial Client Meeting

Which is a fancy way of saying having a chat over a coffee. ( I don’t do formal, so if you prefer stuffy, boring and lack of creative imagination, please don’t call me; we will not be a good fit!!)

This is where I show you how your current website is performing (or not), how your local competition is doing and what I can do about it for you.

For client confidentiality reasons, I will not go into lots of detail in this case study just to say I was asked to design a website that was not too corporate looking that would generate enquiries and get Andy Swan showing for local search terms that I knew were popular as I had completed a keyword research study.

The website design

The old website lacked consistent branding with no overall font or colour scheme, so it was decided that the new website would use blue and white as the main colour choice with an easy-to-read Google font that search engines preferred.

Previously, the website consisted of 5 pages; however, the new site was going to be massive with the concept of 1 subject equals 1 page, which is best for both potential customers and SEO.

The website came to approximately 25 pages; however, this site will keep growing and potentially hit 50 pages as Andy Swan continues to offer more services.

Without giving too much away, as well as running my own home service business, which led to where I am today (see my story on our About Us page), I also have a background in sales and marketing and a few phycology twists are utilised on the design of this website.

The Results

This is the section where I would love to show you before and after metrics and positional ranking for chosen keywords and search terms. Still, due to confidentiality reasons, I will not.

Suffice to say the new website has led to a massive increase in enquiries and more than does the job it was designed for.

Nikki, the Office Manager, is happy to tell any potential web clients reading this how well the website has worked for them – give her a call!

Start making those changes! Free Website Audit.

Unlock the secrets to skyrocketing your SEO performance with an in-depth website analysis. Uncover untapped opportunities to take your online presence to the next level.